Elementary school with kindergarten Žaškov
The municipality’s new elementary school was inaugurated in September 1970. Pupils could begin using the beautiful building. It soon became a part of the municipality and still remains so.
Every era has its own conveniences and ours meets the criteria too. We used the spreading of internet and information and communications technologies too and created a website of the school, where you all are warmly welcome. There you can see how we live; you can find more detailed information about us and maybe find an inspiration for your work. So click on Feel free to tell us what you liked and what we should change. We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.
About DHZ
DHZ is essential and executive part of organizational structure of DPO SR. It bases its activity in accordance with statutes of DPO SR and fire protection law, municipal law and other generally binding regulations. It is established in municipalities and at legal entities. DHZ in conjunction with municipal authorities and legal entities helps to provide personnel, organizational, technical and material conditions for voluntary fire brigade. On behalf of municipal authorities or legal entities it fulfils the role of the municipal fire brigade (OHZ) or the role of DHZ (voluntary fire brigade) of legal entity. When DHZ has the mandate, it acts according to statutory provisions of fire protection law.
Nowadays our brigade has 103 members. It takes care of fire station and all its equipment. It intervenes in fires, floods and other natural disasters. It participates in competitions, preventive examinations and helps during school, kindergarten and municipal events.
Creation of fire brigade in Žaškov
The origins date back to 1925. Teacher Ján Kubačka played the most important part. Andris Štefan became the first commander and Zvada Štefan, trader, became the first chairman. Other members were: Pavolka Ján, who tailored the uniforms, Babic Ondrej, Žaškovský Ondrej, Hanko Juraj, Pavolka Michal, Turčina Pavol, Turčina Štefan, Farko Ondrej, Migo-Bakoš Ján, Ján Sokol-Čižmáre, Žoviak Ján.
The first fire equipment was two hand syringes bought by landowner. One drew the water by itself and the other had to be filled. The first fire station was built at Urbárnov dom, and second at Užeka Ondreja-Krajných.
In its first year of existence, fire brigade had to respond to fires at Babica Blahu and Furindu and Pobehu-Kalinčiaka. Babic Ondrej Blaho became the next commander between years 1928-1938. He was later replaced by Strapec Ján Šedivý and Žaškovský Ondrej. Other active members were: Krúpa Ondrej, Žoviak Ondrej, Trnovský, Babiak-Surový, Brodňanský, Svorenčík, Čierny, Zápotočný, Zelina, Lacko Ján, Migo-Heľo and others.
New uniforms had been used since 1950. Notable names from this period: Kajko Ondrej, Furinda Ondrej, Štítik-Paparčík, Lang Ján, Venceľ Ondrej, Lacko Ján-Miháľ (trumpeter), Haľamček Jozef, Ondrej Užek Krajný, Ján Chovan, Ján Furinda. In that time Lučivná witnessed big forest fire.
Functionaries of the next years: Bateľ Zoltán (teacher), Kúdeľka Jozef (teacher), Chovan Ján, Kurnota Ján, Žaškovský Ondrej, Užek Ondrej. Mentioned teacher Zoltán Bateľ composed the fire brigade’s anthem, which was put into use by Evangelical cantor Ondrej Sokol.
First women in brigade: Užeková Irena, Chmarová Mária, Lacková Zuzana, Zuzana Babiaková, Fánika Hanková, Margita Koníková, Margita Adamcová and Božena Molíková.
Most accomplished women’s squad: Sokolová Zuzana, Majdová Viera, Lomázová Viera, Chmarová Jana, Macková Jana, Turčinová Marta, Furindová Marta, Škutová Anna and Kajková Anna. Squad Plameň (Flame) worked under the command of Ondrej Lang.
Equipment was enriched by motorized syringe, Tatra 805 and later Praga V3S vehicles. Commanders: Migo Milan, Suroviak Milan, Zápotočný Jaroslav, Chmara Ján and Chovan Ján.
In seventies, routine preventive inspections were conducted and the brigade participated in more competitions. Fire fighting equipment was stored in cultural centre, which was insufficient.
In eighties, the equipment had been moved to warehouses of collective farm and the necessity of constructing separate fire station was discussed. This was settled in nineties by mayor Ondrej Žoviak. Fire station was finished in 1998 with help from fire fighters.
Municipal football club Družstevník Žaškov
The club was founded in 1953. Club colours are white, red and yellow. The biggest accomplishment is victory in 1st class ObFZ Orava and advancement to 5th league.
You can contact us through e-mail: or through our website
Evangelical church of Augsburger Konfession (ECAV)
The church was founded in 16th century, in 1576. However, there are no reliable written documents that could describe the church until 1792. Only in book of minutes and book of accounts of parson Ondrej Holéczy (served in Žaškov in 1791-1826), shine a bit of light into that period. 13 parsons and 4 teachers that served here before 1709 are mentioned. During prosecution of Evangelists, the church experienced harsh times. Parson Štefan Dianovský, who had served since 1661, was in 1672 banished by Catholics. Imrich Thokoly helped the Evangelists. Thanks to him, Žaškov had its new parson Michal Institoris a year leader. He served here until 1704. His successor Juraj Zolnensis was the last parson of the independent ECAV in Žaškov. In 1709 it became filial of Istebné.
After the emperor issued the Patent of Toleration, 11th July 1791 the Evangelists submitted a request for rights to build church and to call a preacher. The stated reasons were: enough souls, willingness to pay for preacher, distance from and inaccessibility of church in Istebné.
The administrating seat sent commission to review the claim. When the commission confirmed the adequateness of the reasons stated in the request, the creation of independent ECAV was allowed. The same year 23rd October 1791, Ondrej Holéczy from Liptovský Mikuláš was elected preacher.
Foundations of the church were laid 24th April 1792 and the works finished 22nd July 1792 when the church was sanctified. As there is no mention of expenses in the book of accounts, it is likely, that the church was built from donations. The parsonage and school were built in 1794 and 1795 respectively. The school was wooden and its proximity to stream caused frequent flooding. Therefore the Evangelists decided to build a new one. New school was built in 1913. In 1890 tower was added to the church and two bells were bought.
In 1974 the Congregational Convention decided, that new parsonage is needed as the old one was in bad shape and insanitary, which was confirmed by official commissions. New parsonage was finished and sanctioned in 1979.
The church had undergone several reconstruction works. The façade of the church was fixed in 1992. In 1999 the benches were replaced and the interior was repaired. In 2005 the tower was covered by copper sheet. Organ from 1891 was repaired in 2006.
To date the ECAV has 930 members and the parson is Ján Solivajs.
The Roman Catholic Church, Parish of St. Gall Žaškov
- Address: Žaškov 108, 027 21
- Telephone: 043 / 5892 285
- IČO: 31 922 206
- The administrator of the parish: PhDr. PaedDr. Jozef Skurčák
Masses during working days Monday to Friday are at 18:30.
During winter at 17:30 (from 01. 10. to 30. 03.).
Saturday morning at 07:00, first Saturday of month at 07:30.
Sunday masses are at 07:30 and 10:15 in Žaškov and at 09:00 in filial Párnica.
Subject to change during holiday, funerals and marriages. The updated schedule is on notice board next to the church.
Saint Gall, pray for us!
Patron of the church is St. Gall. Liturgical memory of St. Gall in church calendar is 16th October.
St. Gall (Gál, Gallo, Gallech, Havel) was born in Ireland in the 2nd half of the 6th century (after 550). He was a pupil of St. Columban. Together with other Irish and Scotish monks they went to Gallia (todays France) as missionaries. Gall focused on study of the Holy Scripture. He helped found abbey of Luxeuil. In 610 Columban was forced to go into exile. Gal went with him. Together they went to Austria (Bregent) and Switzerland (Bodam Lake). Columban continued to Italy, where he founded another abbey. Gall remained in Switzerland and lived as hermit at river Steinach. Twice he was offered episcopal seat and abbey, but he refused. He died somewhere between 630 and 645 as 100-years old. Close to his grave a Benedictine abbey was built, carrying his name. He is revered mainly in Switzerland. He is patron of parishes in Komjatná, Nižná nad Oravou and Turany.
Folklore ensemble Trnkári
Present of the folklore ensemble
Nowadays the folklore ensemble has 25 active members. Head of the ensemble is Zuzana Babiaková, head musician is Zuzana Kubačková. We participate in summer parades and festivals, events in municipality and other nearby villages. These days we are usually invited to weddings to perform “odčepčenie mladuchy” but also to celebrations of jubilees.
From history of folklore in Žaškov
*1957-1958 Ján Furinda collects wishes for practice of Žaškov wedding
*Founding of folklore ensemble - 1967 – head: Katarína Hrašková
*Practicing 2nd Žaškov wedding in theatrical form
*1977 – the coming of and collaboration with Viliamo J. Grusko
*1979 – head: Jaroslav Zápotočný
*The core of folklore ensemble were Zápotočná ,Strapcová, Mišurová, Babicová families.
Abour 35 members.
Folk music led by Hraškov brothers.
*This period marks beginnings of children folklore with cooperation of Ján Suroviak and Božena Havková
Performing in the programs of Orava:
- Podroháčske celebrations
- Celebration of peace - Oravská priehrada
- Oravský market
- Anniversary of Martin Kukučín
- Carnival in Srňacie
- Opening of the exhibition of Mária Medvecká
- District tour of village folklore
- Staré nôty mladých strún – Habovka
- Shepherd days Malatiná
- Celebrations in Podbiel
- Veličiansky market
- Days of Oravská Poruba
- Oravice
- Párnickô švábkobraňá
- Carnival in Kraľovany
Radio a TV programs:
- Broadcasts from Východná, Detva, Strážnice
- Treasury of Folk Culture
- Recording of songs on plate Orava
- Recording of songs for program Ežo a Gábor Vlkolínsky
- Recording of songs for radio program Roháčska nevesta
- Recording in radio
- Recording for TV program Lastovička
- Performing in program Matelko
- Recording for SAV
- Recording of carols for Slovak radio
- Film Žaškovské kolovraty
- CD Cez ten Žaškov
- Preparation of CD Žaškovská svadba
Children’s folklore ensemble Trnkárik
Tradition of children’s folklore began in 1985. Children’s ensemble was led by Božena Havková. Music was done by Ondrej Hraško.
The children’s ensemble has been led by Mária Langová since 1998, teacher at elementary school. We named it Trnkárik after nickname of residents of Žaškov, Trnkári. Children are divided into two groups based on age. In our performances we portray the historical way of life in Žaškov. We practiced carnivals, “máje”, winter traditions from Lucia to Christmas, “Murienu”, washing in the stream, “priadky na Ondreja”, children games and “rozkazovačky a prekáračky” of Žaškov.
Our performances:
- Podroháčske celebrations
- Folklore Oravice
- Days of Oravská Poruba
- Párnickô švábkobraňá
- Veličiansky market
- Anniversary of foundation of Istebné
- Nižnianske krpčeky
- Kubínske krpčeky
- Mikuláš
- Mother’s day
- School academy
- Month of respect for elders
- Welcoming of children
- Heligonkári žaškovskí
- Performance in polish Wisla